Finance Magazine – Mortgages

For the past number of years, Finance Magazines have been a leading provider of information and guidance on all aspects of mortgages. With a host of Mortgage News Articles and Market Research publications, they provide the mortgage consumer with important facts and figures, helping them to make sound financial decisions. The magazine also features a number of helpful articles and reviews on a wide range of mortgages including First Time Buyers Mortgages, Self-Certification Mortgages, Tenant Mortgages, Banks and Building Society’s (BIS) Specialist Loans and many more areas of mortgage interest. They also publish a number of online sites which offer a wide range of information and help for consumers. For example, there are online customer brochures and glossaries, which can be very useful to those looking for information relating to certain sectors or areas of the market.

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Another feature of finance Magazines is the Mortgage Advisor, which gives expert advice on a range of different mortgages. This includes information on how to get the best deal, on what factors are important when choosing a mortgage and on how to improve your chances of getting a competitive rate of interest. You can also find valuable information about self-certification mortgages, on house and contents insurance, on loans for renting and on alternative types of finance including repayments and special risks mortgages. You will also find a large number of budget and specialist mortgage advice articles, as well as a range of valuable consumer and business advice and product reviews.

You will also find information about UK mortgage rules and regulations, as well as the role of brokers and third party agents in the finance and mortgage industry. As you would expect, they will cover a wide range of issues from loan products to investment schemes and self-certification mortgages and the rules that apply to them. They will also provide readers with useful information and tips on saving money, such as ensuring that home insurance costs do not go up, by taking out pet insurance or renewable energy certificates.

There are also a number of government schemes and initiatives which you can gain access to through the pages of this free magazine. These include the government’s First-time Buy scheme, the Help to Buy programme, First-time Outstanding Leasehold and also the mortgage help scheme. You can also find information on the government’s Future Energy Assurance Program, or FENPA, which provides consumers with the information they need on affordable energy suppliers. For those who wish to purchase a condominium, apartment or flat there is also valuable information regarding the condominium fees and other associated expenses. Finally, those interested in purchasing property should know about stamp duty, which is deducted from the sale price of any property bought in the UK.

Mortgage Today is published by Aviva – a global banking group which provides a variety of financial products to more than 2.1 million customers. The magazine is divided into different topics depending upon your specific needs. Depending on the page of the magazine, you will be able to find the following topics: First-time buyers, Mortgage Advice for Tenants and Buyers, Dealing with Excesses, Cash Flow, Financial Planning and much more. In addition to these, the company also publishes articles by some of the most respected mortgage experts in the market. Aviva has also launched an online newsletter called Money Makers. Aviva has partnered with the award-winning Channel, and subscribers to this newsletter can gain access to the latest news and information regarding finance and money.

As Aviva is one of the largest and respected names in the finance industry, it is not surprising that its products are of excellent quality. The magazine is widely reputed for its outstanding content. The wide range of subjects covered allows interested consumers to attain a thorough understanding of the various mortgages available in the market. Aviva finance is therefore not only a valuable and informative publication, but also carries the added advantage of being easy to browse and publish.